Airija: buvusios vaikų prieglaudos teritorijoje aptikta masinė kapavietė

Buvusios katalikiškosios vaikų prieglaudos teritorijoje Golvėjaus grafystės Tuamo miesto apylinkėse aptikta masinė kapavietė.

Tai penktadienį pranešė vyriausybinė komisija, tirianti religinių organizacijų žinioje buvusių vaikų namų veiklą. Iš viso 1925-1998 metais šalyje buvo 18 tokių įstaigų.

Komisijos atstovai paėmė iš kapavietės kontrolinių kaulų fragmentų pavyzdžių ir grunto mėginių ekspertizei atlikti.

Preliminariais duomenimis, daugumos palaidotųjų amžius neviršijo trejų metų. Specialistų nuomone, vaikai mirė nuo ligų ir dėl nuolatinio pusbadžiavimo.

Airija: buvusios vaikų prieglaudos teritorijoje aptikta masinė kapavietė

The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried. The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried.
The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried. The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried.
The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried. The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried.
The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation has issued a statement. Photo: Ray Ryan
Gardai watch over wortkmen as they board up around the Tuam Mother and Baby graveyard site as a preliminary excavation is to take place next week. The tests were requested by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, which was established following allegations about the deaths of 800 babies and the manner in which they were buried in Tuam. The commission said the test excavation will take around five weeks to complete. It said a sample of ground will be excavated by a team of specialist archaeologists.. Photo: Ray Ryan
Gardai watch over wortkmen as they board up around the Tuam Mother and Baby graveyard site as a preliminary excavation is to take place next week. The tests were requested by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, which was established following allegations about the deaths of 800 babies and the manner in which they were buried in Tuam. The commission said the test excavation will take around five weeks to complete. It said a sample of ground will be excavated by a team of specialist archaeologists.. Photo: Ray Ryan


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