Keturių vaikų mama sulaukė skaudžios kritikos dėl savo aprangos: ar motinoms iš tiesų nederėtų taip rengtis?

Daugybė žmonių drabužius renkasi taip, kad šie atspindėtų asmenybę. Mada jiems – tai dar vienas savęs išreiškimo būdas, todėl, kai tokie žmonės sulaukia kritikos, ją gali priimti labai asmeniškai.

27 metų keturių vaikų mama Stevie Niki stipriai įsižeidė, kai vienas nepažįstamasis sukritikavo jos aprangą. Jis pabrėžė, kad moteris nesirengia taip, kaip turėtų rengtis motinos. S. Niki vilkėjo plėšytus džinsus ir juodą trumparankovę palaidinę. Moteris supyko, kad visiškai paprasti, uždari drabužiai sukėlė tiek daug diskusijų.

The other day someone said to me that i dont dress like a mum and i shouldnt wear what i do. There was even a comment about my clothing not being age appropriate. I was wearing this outfit. Umm what.. excuse me? The 1950's just telegramed and they want their out dated views back. Did the governement roll out and distribute a mum uniform and i missed the memo? Did they assign people to enforce and police such dress codes? Shall i go buy an apron too? Since when do I have to dress according to someone elses likes and dislikes? Lastly, i plan to be 80, rocking ripped jeans, tulle trimmed unicorn shirts and rainbow hair. So you can take your "age appropriate" dribble back a few decades. What i choose to look like or wear does not change who i am within. My appearance does not impact my personality. Who i am on the outside does not define who i am on the inside. Your opinions, views and sense of style only reflects you and not anyone else. I will look however i want to look and dress in whatever i want to dress in and still be a Mum. I could have a sex change and i'll still be the mother to my children. Guess what? Good and kind people can have tats, mums can have piercings, caring people can ride motorbikes and wear a patch, poor people can be generous beyond their means and quiet people can be loud. Asthetically pleasing people can be mean, fit looking people can feel insecure, wealthy people can be rude and crass, happy people can be in pain and friendly people can do evil things. Enough with the stereotypes.. theres nothing worse or more ignorant. Think before you speak, get to know someone before you choose to judge someone – better yet, just dont. No one likes a judgey mcjudge face. Shout out to my husband for always capturing my best side ?? . PS guarentee everyones camera roll is full of photos like this too.. ?

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„Tai, ką aš pasirenku vilkėti, nepakeičia manęs kaip žmogaus. Mano išvaizda nėra mano asmenybė. Kokia esu išorėje, neapibūdina to, kokia esu viduje. Jūsų nuomonė ir požiūris atspindi tik jus pačius, o ne mane. Atrodysiu taip, kaip noriu, ir rengsiuosi taip, kaip man atrodo gražu, bet vis tiek išliksiu mama. Galėčiau pasikeisti lytį, tačiau vis tiek būčiau savo vaikų motina“, – socialinio tinklo „Instagram“ paskyroje apie situaciją kalbėjo S. Niki.

Moters nuomonę suskubo palaikyti daug kitų motinų. Jos juokėsi, kad šiais laikais apie tai, kokius drabužius turėtume rinktis, gali kalbėti tik siaurų pažiūrų žmonės. Viena moteris Stevie sukritikavusį vyrą pavadino akiplėša ir idiotu bei paminėjo, kad jam reikėtų grįžti į 1980 metus.

Its taken me a long time to not care what others think – my whole life basically. Its been a long and slow process. To feel comfortable in my own skin and confident in my own style. To do things because they make me happy and not because i think they will make others happy. I dont do new years resolutions but i do like to set myself small achievable goals. All i want is to be mindful, happy, healthy and content within myself, to love, be loved, and to never look back when im 80 and say "i wish i did that" i never want regrets, only life experiences. Above all, i want all of that for my kids. Its all achievable, i can work on it every day and its not something that will make me overwhelmed and give up or put off. Its not a "i'll start next week" kinda thing. This small stuff will become the big stuff. If i can do this then i can do anything – it rolls into all aspects of life. Sure some days are hard. Some days i will fail. Some days my doubt will over power everything else – but i never want to be over come by the negative and live a life of darkness. By working on it daily for myself, im instilling these values in my kids too. Heres to a new year and the rest of my life to being the best version of me. To being unapologetically myself, without fear of others judgement , to give back and add value to the world around me and empowering my kids to be and do the same. Oh and i coloured my hair… its the start of the small stuff.. my goals. My life of trying things and living with no regrets. Now i look as magic as i feel… im basically a mermaid or a unicorn ??

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